A fun-filled day uniting people and pets with one mission: Giving homeless pets a second chance.
The Walk for Animals is a 2-mile Walk for humans and furry friends of all shapes and sizes.
The Walk starts out in beautiful Bayfront Festival Park in Duluth, MN taking walkers across Rail Road Street to discover a special section of trail connecting the Lake Walk and Munger trails and back to Bayfront again. This is the 27th year of fundraising, walking and having fun supporting homeless pets at The Walk for Animals.
The Furry 5K is a 3.1-mile 5K race meant for runners, joggers, and couch-to-5Kers alike!
**Registration for the Furry 5K is now closed. Registration for the Walk remains open until the morning of the event.** This 5K race is timed and runners will receive special race bibs! NEW – The first 100 runners to cross the finish line will receive a special Furry 5K medal. The route begins in Bayfront Festival Park crossing Rail Road Street to discover a special section of trail connecting the Lake Walk and Munger trails. Runners will head down to the new Bent Paddle brewery and turn back to Bayfront to cross the finish line.
Race packet pick up: coming soon
Animal Allies Humane Society (4006 Airport Road, Duluth). Race packets will be available behind the front desk of the adoption center.
9:00am – 2:00pm