Canal Park

Grandma’s Marathon First Class Viewing Train

Seating on a train

Watch Grandmas Marathon in the most unique and comfortable way, onboard the coaches of the North Shore Scenic Railroad. The train will be at the starting line with enough time to find your favorite runner, and watch the start of the race. We will then parallel the race course and keep pace with the lead runners for the first few miles, before we head back to Duluth so you can get to the finish line in time for the first marathoners to cross.A truly unique experience you won’t want to miss! 


5:45am: Depart Duluth Union Depot, enjoy food and drinks on the way to the starting line.

7:30am: Watch the race begin! Follow alongside the elite runners for the first few miles of the race.

8:30-9:00: Option to de-board for Canal Park to catch the first Finishers of the race.

9:00am: Return to Duluth Depot.


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