A Pride Special Event This rock-musical comedy follows the beautifully tragic life story of transgender East German-born Hansel Schmidt. After suffering a botched sexual reassignment surgery, Hedwig tours the world attempting to conquer the demons of her past. This hilarious and powerful production will speak to those who understand what it’s like to desperately be […]
Writing comedy is a riot Written by Neil Simon Playwright Neil Simon got his first big break in the early ‘50s as a staff writer on Sid Caesar’s fabled television series Your Show of Shows, and this comedy takes a fictionalized look at the backstage chaos that went into producing one of the landmarks of […]
A modern spin on the classic Greek tale Written by Sarah Ruhl Based on the Greek tale of Orpheus and Eurydice In Eurydice, playwright Sarah Ruhl reimagines the classic myth of Orpheus through the eyes of its heroine. Dying too young on her wedding day, Eurydice must journey to the underworld, where she reunites with her […]
There’s always time to remember Book by Tom Jones Music by Harvey Schmidt Lyrics by Tom Jones Based on Les Romanesques by Edmond Rostand “Try To Remember” a time when this romantic charmer wasn’t enchanting audiences around the world. The Fantasticks is a funny and romantic musical about a boy, a girl, and their two fathers […]
The celebration of original one-acts returns for its third year! Written by women all over the world and directed by women from across the Twin Ports, this series of short plays highlights women voices and everything they have to say. Showtimes Coming Soon!