Canal Park

How to become a Duluthian

Old pier built by Anderson Sand and Gravel Duluth MN 1919

Whether it’s your first or last year here for school, we welcome you to the beautiful city of Duluth. We hope you had a relaxing summer and look forward to having you here the next nine months.

During those months, try and live local.

Living like a local doesn’t mean you need to join the weekly book club or go to cookie exchanges, yet we won’t tell you not to, living local means learning the city and learning to love your temporary home as much as we do!

Here are some of our top ways to live like a local.

Always be prepared

For many of you, I’m sure you came from some place in Minnesota or a surrounding state that has pretty consistent seasons, but I am here to tell you, that is not the case here! You can be walking along Brighton beach on a clear summer day, and within minutes it will be cloudy, windy and dropped twenty degrees. Believe me, it happens, we’ve experienced it. One of the biggest pieces of advice for your time here in Duluth is to throw your ideas of the four seasons out the door. Duluth seems to make its own season on a day to day basis, so make sure you’re always prepared!  Whether you’re walking to class, hanging out outside or going for a hike, make sure you always have the proper clothes packed and readily available. Always pack a fleece, raincoat, umbrella, hat, and mittens with you whenever you leave, because you might need up ending them all in one day. At home make sure you have a reliable snow shovel on hand along with a lot of ice salt. And for your car, make sure you have a durable ice scraper or credit card and a spare blanket for your trunk.

Crazy right? You can never be too prepared around here!


Free, Free, Free

As a young adult in college, chances are you could use a free thing or two, so here some of the best free things around town.

The best part about all of these parks is that they each showcase all of the different landscapes that Duluth has to offer!


Don’t be afraid to go around town and try news things, Duluth has a lot to offer and we want to make you feel just as at home here as you do in your hometown! Be proud of your temporary home, and make the absolute most of your time in Duluth!  Who knows, maybe at the end of your time here, you will decide that you love living like a local and want to continue doing so!


If you’re looking for more opportunities on how to live like a local, check out this article from the News Tribune out!

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